Versant-Solutions aims to provide IT services that are 100% On-shore, America based, employing American youth. IT services are innovative, quality, cost-competitive with other service providers.

Our Mission is 2 folds –

1) Engage American Youth in Innovative and Fulfilling IT careers

Graduating students colleges lack practical, contemporary, employable IT skills to serve US mainstream industries’ IT needs. This lack of practical IT skills is a lead cause of graduating seniors to not able to find good-paying, fulfilling IT jobs. Aiming to fill this void, Versant-Solutions imparts applied and innovative IT training to graduating seniors of undergraduate programs focusing on Tier-3 and Tier-4 college institutions. The training is four months duration and covers the four foundational pillars of Versant-Solution’s  training curriculum. Following this training, Versant-Solutions employs these youth in innovative, fulfilling, good paying, long-term IT careers with continuous training to keep pace with changing IT technologies and trends. 

2) Provide 100% America Based Innovative IT Services Employing American Youth

Off-shoring of American IT jobs is a rampant industry phenomenon. Majority of IT services providers serving the US government agencies and mainstream industries employ off-shore staff, depriving American youth fulfilling, stable jobs and career opportunities. Further, off-shored IT services lack innovation, quality and are not timely. These factors are hurting small-to-medium business and government agencies competitiveness especially in adopting new IT innovations like AI, machine learning and Robotics.